Visit Our Clinic
6 Claregate St,
Kildare Town
Call Us
085 863 5222
Mon-Thurs 9-5, Fri 9-2,
Closed Weekends

Do I need a GP or Consultant referral?

No you can self-refer to the clinic

Will I get treatment in my first consultation?

This depends on the complexity of your condition and the depth of assessment that is required. You will get advice and exercises

Do you treat patients with medical cards?

Yes, but your medical card will not cover the cost of your treatment.

Is the Clinic wheelchair accessible?

Yes, it is ground floor and is wheelchair accessible, and has a wheelchair-accessible toilet. We also have an overhead hoist system to assist with safe transfers.

Do you treat other conditions apart from neurological diagnosis?

Yes we treat many other conditions and injuries

Is there parking at the clinic?

There is on street parking and a wheelchair space at the entrance.

Do you provide home visits?

Yes, if you are unable to attend the clinic and need to be seen at home.

What is Neurological physiotherapy?

Neurological Physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy focused on the treatment of individuals with neurological conditions.

What does a Neurological physiotherapist do?

Neurological physiotherapists are experienced and trained to treat neurological conditions with the aim to provide interventions which assist an individual to regain or maintain their maximum movement and functional independence. This is achieved by aiding in the development of new pathways through repetition and exercise.

What type of treatment does a neurological physiotherapist do?

A number of treatment approaches are used, often incorporating a selection of the following as appropriate. 

  • Stretching
  • Strengthening
  • Balance re-education
  • Gait re-education
  • Joint mobilization
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Postural exercise
  • Spasticity management
  • Advice/Education on lifestyle, fatigue management, and exercise

Why Choose Us?

Highly Trained

Access to latest


Patient centred


Fully accessible clinic
and rehabilitation gym

Covered by the following

The Waterfall Clinic, 6 Claregate St,
Kildare, R51 K752


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